Discovering the correct way to use the voice, which is our most precious communication tool, is what guarantees us health in our expression both inside and outside the workplace.
In this course we will approach the world of The Voice, delving into the technique for proper use in our communication. We will develop awareness of our sound instrument by learning to know it from the anatomy, re-educating the way of breathing and projecting the voice so as not to hurt the vocal cords.
Professionals are the most prone to contracting voice disorders, since the type of voice most likely to damage the vocal cords is the "projected voice", that is, the one we use daily in life in
To address this issue and retrace the path of fatigue, eliminate that chronic fatigue and the stress of continually using your voice, trying to be heard perhaps for several hours a day, we have to go to the root of the matter.
We will work on the causes of voice stress, its risk factors, hoarseness, dysphonia, how to take preventive measures for its correct deployment.
We will discover the right tone of the voice, so that the expression is a pleasant act and full of vitality through techniques that will strengthen our phono-corporal system.
Once we have worked on the techniques that allow us to get to know our voice more closely, we will discover how this can also allow greater self-knowledge, since by working on our voice, we learn to manage emotions and unlock expression, which is something that will contribute positively not only at work but also in our life in general.
Breathing, respiratory rhythms and energy patterns. Voice anatomy.
How we express ourselves and how we carry out our natural cycles in relation to
our sound. How to release body tension from sound.
Exercise to discover the sound emission, release the sound tension through the
rhythm of breathing, body awareness and voice.
How our articulatory phone system works. The sound emission. What is low respiration and how does it work? What are its benefits. sound theory. Where do we express ourselves from?
Energy availability exercise based on recognizing our energy and
reconnect with our voice.
Expand and root your creativity and expression, awakening the awareness of your voice as a channel of creation and a tool to achieve empathic and assertive communication.
Improve your communication and unlock emotions by recovering your connection and
sensitivity with your interior, which will allow you to accompany from a more
Develop a deeper listening, anchored in a more sincere emission, with
a transparent and open voice.
Acquire new resources that strengthen the freedom of your expression, expanding
and deepening your creativity when communicating.
Accompany therapeutic or help processes from a full, free and conscious voice from sound and word.
Aimed at all those people who want to enter a process of self-knowledge to develop the full potential of their voice, improve their communication and empathy.
Especially aimed at businessmen, communicators, coaches and professionals in general.
Virtual course:
It is suggested to carry out the course synchronously: the connections in real time will allow us to have debates and group dynamics. If any student is forced to
Doing it asynchronously is no problem. The virtual days will be 2 to 3 hours.
Classroom course:
The course requires space for both the theoretical part where there will be a presentation of
slides, as well as free space for group dynamics.
mixed course
It will unite the strength of the two modalities.
Intensive days:
1 or 2 full days, 8 hours of study per day: A brief introduction to the voice as a work tool, discover the basic care to have a healthy expression.
Course from 10 hours to 20 hours:
This course includes monitoring for the development of the voice, which will allow the new expressive strengths to be anchored, and in this way, allow the body and mind to assimilate the changes in the way of expressing and communicating both inside and outside the classroom.
Who is it for?
It is an excellent job for people who want to feel comfortable speaking in front of groups, for people who experience difficulties to express themselves clearly, for those who want to hear themselves more, for musicians and creatives who want to expand their artistic expression to new levels, for teachers, coaches, coaches and anyone interested in developing communication with themselves and with others.
How are the meetings composed? What will we do?
This course is focused on the awareness of the body as a sound instrument; understanding the body as the place from which we express ourselves, taking register and expanding its sensitivity. Giving space to feel the energy of sound vibration and body movement as a frame; reaching new places, perceiving where the energy flows and where it is blocked. Transforming, aligning and building ourselves as instruments, connecting with our true expression.