The voice is the most powerful and unique manifestation of the Being. When we express it freely, we delve into who we really are, and what we think and feel. It is a practive that harmonizes and heals through singing.


Voice liberation comes from the Essential Singing technique, combined with body
awareness practices like Contact Improvisation dance, reflexology, Ayurvedic massage and Tai Chi, among others.
This tool allows us to access our body as
a home for our voice, and develop a sensorial-perceptive awareness that
will reinforce and support our
voice’s vitality and expressive power.
Developing our voice allows us to discover the core of our Being and initiate a healing
journey. It is a way of learning to communicate and express our truth to the world.
When we train our voice, we align our physical, energetic, mental and spiritual bodies.

Improves your communication.

Expands your creativity and vitality.

Awakens your awareness using
sound vibration as a
channel of expression.

Integrates movement,
sound and breathing.

Unblocks emotions and helps
you recover your inner connection.