Jai Jai Jai Gananayaka Jai Jai
Vighna Vignashaka
Jai Shubha Mangala Dayaka
Vidya Buddhi Pradayaka
Gajavadana Gauri Nandana
Gajavadana Gauri Nandana
Gangadhara Shiva Shambo Nandana
Gangadhara Shiva Shambo Nandana
victory for the leader of Shiva's troops and the destroyer of difficulties. Victoria para Aquel que le da la mayor auspiciosidad y que otorga _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_intellect and divine knowledge . Elephant face beloved son of Gauri and Shiva who wears Ganga on his head.

¨Om, Tierra, Cielo y Espacio Celestial, Meditamos en la gloria de la luz, Que ilumine nuestros intelecto y nuestro Ser¨
Mantra para invocar el triunfo de lo Divino, para conectar fuente creadora del Universo, para encarnación del conocimiento y la luz, y que destruye todos los sufrimientos y la ignorancia. Pedimos que desarrolle nuestra inteligencia.
Gayatra quiere decir Himno, y Gayatrī es su forma fenemina, se entiende que es un himno a la madre natrualeza, Madre Divina o alguna otra forma femenina.
open heart
Open heart, open up feeling
Open your understanding, put aside reason
And let the hidden sun shine inside you
open ancient memory
Hidden in every stone, in every river, in every tree
Open heart, Open up feeling,
Open your understanding, put aside reason
And let the hidden sun shine inside you
It's time now
It is now, open your heart and remember
as the spirit heals, how love heals
like the tree blooms , and life endures
that to reach God
You have to learn to be human
open heart